I was feeling disinterested due to some setbacks at the garden but I'm definitely back in the growing ZONE, feeling really excited about planning my plot and nurturing tiny plantlets into nourishing and delicious edibles! More on that to come, too.
Now, I leave you with a selection of recent snaps.
A seemingly male tomato

Not sure what these are, some kind of little succulent growing in near Woodbine & Gerrard in a really arid, prairie like spot! If you know what they are, please tell me.

I really, really wanted to just lie down under these lovely blossoms, but as evidenced by the powerlines also overhead, it wasn't a a great spot for lying down.

Here's my favourite little weirdo, licking her chops in excitement over a stick being thrown in the water. I save that manner of lip-licking for much more delicious treats, but hey, she only has a pea brain. She really makes me laugh!
Sweet dreams!
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